Presentation: Tweet"Building an SAAS Business? Where's the software going to come from? Experiences in Adapting Software for Public Clouds"
Cloud delivery of IT services, and in particular SaaS promise a sea change to the way business and individuals acquire and use Information Technology. Particularly in SaaS, economies of scale from multi tenant infrastructures, and elastic business models enable more computing at lower prices. But where will the the new breed of cloud applications come from? Some will be "born on the cloud", but far more will be adapted from existing on premise application systems. This talk examines the experiences, challenges and issues encountered as IBM adapted some of our existing Lotus collaboration portfolio applications to a multi tenant cloud deployment.
From the talk you will come to understand many aspects of the technical architecture needed to support multi-tenancy self service management and provisioning as well as the techniques we used to allow applications to be developed for both on premise and cloud deployment.
Keywords: SAAS, Applications, Architectural Patterns, Cloud
Target audience: Developers and Software Portfolio Managers who need to purpose their work for multi-tentant cloud deployment
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